“Der Böhmerwald” - association
“Der Böhmerwald” has a long tradition dating back to 1948, when the first issue of the association’s magazine was published under the title ‘Böhmerwäldler Heimatbrief’, at that time a newsletter for displaced persons from the Prachatitz/Prachatice district. Since 2020, the entire Šumava and Bavarian Forest region has been covered under the title “Der Böhmerwald”.
The association “Der Böhmerwald e.V.” as publisher of the magazine also runs a museum in Ingolstadt with numerous exhibits from the Bohemian Forest and looks after the Bishop Neumann Chapel on the Dreisesselberg. The associated activities and work are non-profit-oriented and are mainly carried out on a voluntary basis. Good contacts are maintained with numerous institutions and communities in the region and joint events are organized.
“Der Böhmerwald e.V.” is a registered association based in Ingolstadt and is run exclusively by volunteers. The chairman of the association is Dr. Gernot Peter.
New members and employees are always welcome. You are welcome to contact us here.