
Legal notice of the website

Published by
Der Böhmerwald e.V.
Hohe-Schul-Straße 2b
D-85049 Ingolstadt

0049 (0) 8552 4200

Chairman and Data Protection Officer
Dr. Gernot Peter
Kremser Berggasse 8, A-3500 Krems, Österreich

Office hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 to 12:00

Legal notice of the magazine

Published by
Der Böhmerwald e.V.

Chairman and Data Protection Officer
Dr. Gernot Peter
Kremser Berggasse 8, A-3500 Krems, Österreich

Editorial Office
Rudolf Hartauer
Oberammersrichter Weg 15, D- 92224 Amberg
0049 (0) 8552 4200 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 12:00)

Advertisements Czech Republic
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370 01 C. Budejovice CZ

Booklet prices
Single price 5,90 €.
Annual subscription 55,- € in Germany and 60,- € in other European countries

Letters to the editor and articles
The respective author is responsible for named articles and letters to the editor. Letters to the editor reflect the opinion of the author, not that of the editorial team. The editors reserve the right to make changes and abridgements. There is no obligation to publish submitted manuscripts. We accept no liability for unsolicited contributions and images and cannot guarantee their return.

No fees will be paid for printed contributions. Reprints, including extracts, are only permitted with the authorization of the editor or publisher.

The copyright for accepted and published manuscripts lies with the magazine ‘Der Böhmerwald’. Distribution or reproduction is not permitted without the prior written consent of the publisher and is punishable by law, unless otherwise stipulated by copyright law. Storage and processing in electronic form is only permitted with the consent of the publisher.

Despite careful checking, the editors and publishers cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of the articles.

Editorial deadline
six weeks before the issue is published

Image sources

Nature – Culture – History: Monthly in our magazine „Der Böhmerwald“